Sunday, 5 October 2008

The Hammer

Man, you are pissed off!

Aren't you, Krauthammer, or am I just imagining that you're having quite a bad and bitter week? Basically calling all Democrats fully hypnotized is a sign of something mighty heaving inside you. Now, we all know what this feels like, sure. But stop being such a prick about it.

Finally admitting from your influential throne that Barack is near-inevitably the next P. was very kind of you. And I respect something real about your writing, although I hate you and what you stand for; and yet, I respect you as well, for I must, and I love you with all my heart. Yes, you are pig-ignorant sometimes, as we all can be. Certainly, right now for you this is one of those unhappy occasions.

Return to reality. Are you not cognizant that Republicans have controlled all branches of government and both houses for a bit now? Do you think the polls are consistently off by 30-40 percent, that the GOP has not in fact humiliated itself, and been humbled? This they themselves repeatedly admit, and now use it to try to re-power. But it is the Democrats' turn to now face the challenge of avoiding power intoxication--such an urge, it can hardly be totally avoided. Remind yourself what it would mean if Republicans won again after this performance. Democracies and peaceful societies have been destroyed (your regimen) and destroyed themselves before (mine). What would re-electing Republicans now say about the state of our electorate?

As you well know, the alarm levels that Republicans have just achieved are astounding. It is your duty, Krauthammer, to have reason enough to know that the Democrats now have to take their turn in this wonder-world. Don't worry, it will not last too long. So stop being a sourpuss.


Jolan Bogdan said...

Do you reckon that when the Republicans rise again from this pit of ash they currently find themselves in, that they'll have splintered into several new identities? Perhaps an actual fiscally concervative party? Perhaps an actually Christian fundamentalist party? Is this the end of the dual party system in America?

peritropist said...

That would leave abortion, homosexuality, school prayer, etc. off the table as serious issues...Its kind of like what happened with reagan: most "democrats" had to admit hatred of their own candidate. Its enough to mess up a party for a long time...